Teaching is a very noble job. It requires not just a degree in college but passion as well. It is the type of job wherein you need undivided focus and attention, especially if you are a preschool teacher. Children of very young ages, some as young as 3 years old, go to school because their parents want them to learn. Teaching is like being a mother in school, you hold yourself responsible for their learning and their future. Not all people who teach are effective teachers, there are skills required to be considered as an effective one. They have tricks on how they can get a child, throwing tantrums, behave in school.
- Preschoolers don’t need to lingerWith so much energy to spend, toddlers can do so much in a given time. How teachers manage different types of kids in a classroom is a talent. They make sure that everybody is doing something, they keep them busy with classroom activities so that when their attention is needed it can immediately be swayed.Effective teachers give firm instructions so when students listen they can immediately follow. Toddlers don’t linger when they know that the person giving the command don’t linger as well. They are great followers of good leaders.
- Let them express their artYoung kids have their own version of art, so let them be. Their minds are full of imaginations, different colors, shapes, and sizes. Introduce more art materials to their young minds, teachers explain each art material, its uses, and what it can do. Effective teachers have an innate appreciative attitude. They can easily appreciate everything including effort. Parents may not know, toddlers are already capable of using scissors but with proper guidance. Holding and using scissors are part of the fine motor skills.
- Say what you meanEffective teachers speak with authority because they are in authority in school. One should say what they mean. If giving instructions, one should sound formal and precise, that’s how teachers get the same response from young minds in school.
- Teach young minds the beauty of sharing and in taking turnsBy teaching preschoolers, the beauty of taking turns, they learn to be patient and organized. This is a good start in introducing simple rules to them, rules that they can easily understand and follow. School is also an avenue where they can learn the value of sharing. Sharing is easily done in school, you just need to make friends, then everything follows.
Lords Kingdom Academy is a Private Preschool in Florida. We have well prepared and educated effective teachers who can be good role models to your children. We offer Christian Private Elementary Schools in Oviedo Florida. This will help create a biblical worldview which is a core requirement in making a Christian community.
Do you know any other ways on how to be an effective teacher? Share them in the comments section!
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